Electricity Bills Are Off the Charts? These Might be Causing Them

High electricity bills can be a financial burden, so you understandably want to take steps to conserve electricity and save money where possible. Your home’s air conditioning system is one of the most significant energy drains during the warm months of the year. As you turn your attention to improving the energy efficiency of your HVAC system, you will discover that there are many causes of inefficiencies. By addressing these causes directly, you can immediately start saving money on home cooling costs.

hvac maintenance to reduce electricity billsInadequate HVAC Maintenance

The purpose of AC and furnace maintenance is to restore your system to like-new condition. In many homes, the HVAC system is used almost daily. As a result, various parts will get dirty or may wear out. When this happens, the equipment will not operate as efficiently as it once did. HVAC maintenance services erase the filth and identify areas of concern that require more attention. Maintenance is recommended annually so that the HVAC system can continue to perform up to its full potential. In addition to saving energy, maintenance services can improve performance and indoor comfort. They can also help you to get the most life out of your equipment.

A Dirty Air Filter

Depending on the type of air filter that your AC system uses, it may need to be replaced or cleaned as frequently as monthly. Your air conditioning system forces air through the filter as it runs. When the filter is clean, the air passes with minimal effort required. Over time, however, the air filter will collect an increasing amount of dirt that is circulating in the air. This could include dust, dander, small pet hairs and more. Once the filth accumulates, the air can no longer flow freely through the filter. As a result, the HVAC system must use more energy to do its job. Replacing the air filter regularly can promote efficiency, and it may also help you to avoid unnecessary AC repair services.

A Filthy Exterior Unit

In addition to scheduling HVAC maintenance service annually and replacing the air filter frequently, you should turn your attention to the exterior equipment. Because this equipment is exposed to the elements, it can easily get covered in dirt, lawn clippings and more. This impacts how well the system operates and your electricity bills. You can and should clean the exterior unit regularly, such as by using a broom or by rinsing it with a hose with low water pressure.

Poor Insulation

Insulation is concealed in your home’s exterior walls and perhaps in the attic. This material is like a blanket surrounding your home, and it keeps the climate-controlled air indoors where you want it. Unfortunately, the insulation may no longer be adequate. In some cases, low-quality or an insufficient amount of insulation was installed at the time of construction. In other cases, damage from water or pests has deteriorated the insulation. Adding more insulation can help your HVAC system work as efficiently as possible and may save you money on electricity bills in the process.

Deteriorating Door and Window Seals

The seals on your home’s exterior doors and windows serve an equally important purpose. These areas are prone to developing leaks, which can allow the climate-controlled air to easily escape the home. Unfortunately, door and window seals tend to deteriorate over time, and they must be replaced. It is important to check your home’s seals annually and to make improvements as needed. When you inspect the seals soon, you may also take a look at the energy efficiency of the doors and windows themselves. In some cases, making an upgrade could result in huge energy savings and low electricity bills.

A Needed AC Repair Service

Have you observed signs that your HVAC system is struggling? For example, the system may no longer keep the space as cool as you want it to be. Perhaps it creates unusual smells or sounds when it runs. These and other signs that AC repair services are needed should not be ignored. Any issues with your equipment may cause other areas of the system to work overtime in order to compensate. As a result, a damaged HVAC unit may ultimately use more energy than it otherwise may need to. While some people may be inclined to continue using a damaged system until it no longer runs, you may save energy and lower your electricity bills overall when you schedule an AC repair service as soon as possible.

An Outdated AC System

The latest HVAC systems on the market today are far more efficient than older models. In fact, simply making an AC system replacement if your equipment is outdated could yield tremendous energy savings. Keep in mind that you can select from a wide range of systems for your AC installation. One of the many differences in these systems is the SEER rating, which tells you how efficient they are. More energy-efficient systems have a higher rating. HVAC systems with a higher SEER rating usually have a higher upfront cost, but you will discover that the savings on energy bills will pay off over time.

Installing the Wrong Size of Unit

Another important factor to focus on as you prepare for your HVAC replacement is the size of the system. HVAC system sizes are rated in terms of BTUs, or British thermal units. Systems that are a certain size are intended for use in a specific size of space. When you choose a system that is too small for the home, that system must work harder to maintain the desired indoor climate. As a result, the equipment will run for longer periods of time. When you choose a system that is too large for the space, on the other hand, it may also use more energy than necessary. This is because it will cycle on and off frequently. When you schedule an HVAC replacement service with us, we will ensure that you select equipment that is suitable for your home.

An Improperly Programmed Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can control how frequently your equipment runs and for how long, so it directly impacts energy consumption in the home. Some people, however, invest in a programmable thermostat without actually making use of its settings. The thermostat should be set to raise the temperature setting in the summer during the daytime and any other times when you are not normally home. The opposite strategy should be used in the wintertime. By adjusting the thermostat setting by even a few degrees during these times, you can save a tremendous amount of money over the course of a year.

Not Using the Ceiling Fans

In order to work as efficiently as possible, your HVAC must be able to circulate air throughout the home easily. When you run the overhead fans in your home, you are essentially assisting the HVAC system with this aspect of its operations. Keep in mind that you will use energy to run the fans, but this is generally a negligible amount compared to what you may use by running the HVAC system for longer periods of time. Many people also find that their ceiling fans make them feel cooler, so they are comfortable bumping up the thermostat setting by a few degrees for additional financial savings.

Blocking the Air Vents

In some homes, air vents are located on the side walls or even near the floor. In these locations, they may inadvertently be covered by things like furniture, window treatments and décor. When the air vents are blocked, those areas of the home may not be cooled equally. Unequally cooling can cause the HVAC equipment to work harder to use more energy and as a result increasing your electricity bills. This is a great time to assess the condition of the vents throughout your home. Remember to turn them in a direction that optimizes air circulation in the room.

Cooling Rooms That Are Not Being Used

Does your home have rooms that are not frequently used? One example may be a guest room. When possible, it makes sense to avoid cooling those rooms. If you have a central HVAC system, you may simply close the air vent and the bedroom door. If you have a split system, you can power down the equipment for that zone of the home. Split systems often consume far less energy than central HVAC systems. This is because they are only designed to heat and cool a small area of the home. Temperature settings can be adjusted for each of these areas as needed so that energy is not wasted. If you intend to make a system upgrade soon, a split system may be worth looking into.

Heating System Repairs Cleveland OH


Schedule AC Service Today

At Mitchell’s Magic One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning, our licensed HVAC technicians are ready to give your system the full attention that it needs today. Whether you need to book an appointment for an HVAC replacement, repairs or an annual maintenance service, we are eager to help. Our technicians always arrive on time and do great work for our valued customers. We offer a fast response to service requests, so contact our office today to schedule your next HVAC service appointment.